KRCEE was created in 2003 through the efforts of Senator Mitch McConnell and the Kentucky Congressional Delegation to offer innovative and technically sound solutions to problems facing the environmental restoration and continued economic use of the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP) and its surrounding areas.
KRCEE is administered by the University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) and managed by professional staff and faculty at the University of Kentucky. KRCEE operations, tasks and projects are developed in collaboration with the Department of Energy (DOE) and executed in collaboration with academia, industry, subject-matter experts, stakeholders and the regulatory community (See: Collaborators & Investigators below).
KRCEE’s tasks and projects offer independent considerations and recommendations to problems facing the environmental restoration and reuse of the PGDP that are not addressed by existing contracts or regulatory requirements.
KRCEE History
On September 15, 2003 the Kentucky Research Consortium for Energy and Environment (KRCEE) was established at the University of Kentucky for the purpose of supporting expeditious, cost effective, and technically effective environmental cleanup activities at the PGDP.
The KRCEE was initially funded with a 4-year, $5 million dollar Department of Energy Congressional earmark obtained through the efforts of Senator Mitch McConnell and the Kentucky Congressional Delegation.
Dr. Lindell Ormsbee wrote the original proposal for the Consortium and served as the initial director of the KRCEE from 2003 to 2009. Mr. Steve Hampson has served as the associate director of the KRCEE and the site activities coordinator since its inception. In 2009, Dr. Ormsbee stepped down as director of the KRCEE to devote more time to the activities of the Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute and the University of Kentucky Superfund Research Center, both of which continue to serve as collaborating partners of the KRCEE.
During the first phase of funding, Ormsbee and Hampson developed an initial portfolio of over 30 projects that focused on a range of issues including: data assessment and visualization, ecological science, surface water and sediment, geoscience and engineering, and scrap and contaminated metals recycling. From 2003 through 2009, administrative support for the KRCEE was provided by the Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute. In 2009, administrative support for the KRCEE was transferred to the CAER and Dr. Rodney Andrews became the KRCEE director.
Since CY 2002, academic and governmental agencies, offices, industrial entities, and subject-matter-expert individuals collaborated with the KRCEE for the shared goals of environmental restoration and future use of the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP).
- Miller Drilling, Lawrenceburg, TN (Holocene Project Drilling Contractor)
- Tricord, Inc. (Holocene and Real Time Demonstration Projects Health and Safety Contractor)
- Lettis Consultants International (PI’s Holocene Displacement Project at the U Landfill)
- M. Tuttle and Associates, Georgetown ME (ITR Holocene Displacement Project Team)
- Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC) – Cleveland OH (Phase 11 DWGIS IT)
- Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC) – Arlington Va. (Phase 11 DWGIS IT)
- Eberline Services, Hanford WA (SME’s, Technical Field Personnel and Instruments Real Time Demonstration Project)
- CDM, Inc., State College PA (SME Lithostratigraphy & DWGIS IT)
- StrataG, Inc., Oak Ridge TN (Lithostratigraphy)
- Jacobs Engineering, Oak Ridge TN
- Monster Color, Lexington, KY (Public Outreach)
- Photo Science, Lexington, KY (GW-SW Interaction – IR Aerial Photography)
- Performance Results Corporation, Paducah, KY
- Argonne National Laboratory
- Commonwealth of Kentucky
- Idaho National Laboratory
- Illinois State Geological Survey
- National Institute of Environmental and Health Sciences (NIEHS)
- Savannah River National Laboratory
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management
- U.S. Department of Energy Portsmouth Paducah Project Office
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Center
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Investigators & Participants
- Ben Albritton, Scientist, Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute (KWRRI), University of Kentucky
- Dr. Steve Alexander, Tennessee Ecological Services Field Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- Ali Almayahi, Graduate Student, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
- Dr. David Amick, Seismologist/Geophysicist, Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC), Augusta, Georgia
- Cora Anderson-Blits, Graduate Student, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Rodney Andrews, Director, Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER); Director, Kentucky Research Consortium for Energy and Environment (KRCEE), University of Kentucky
- Dr. William Andrews, Geologic Mapping Section Head, Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS), University of Kentucky
- Dr. Chike Anyaegbunam, Professor (Emeritus), Integrated Strategic Communications, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Leonidas Bachas, Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, and Professor, Chemistry, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Keiron Bailey, Associate Professor, Geography, University of Arizona
- Grace Baldridge, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- John Baldwin, Senior Principal Geologist, William Lettis & Associates, Inc.
- Robby Ballard, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Lauren Barclay, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Randall Barnes, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Tom Battenhouse, Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
- Brian Begley, Manager, Kentucky Division of Waste Management
- Jane Benson, Mid-America Remote Sensing Center, Hancock Biological Station, Murray State University
- Dr. Dibakar Bhattacharyya, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Kentucky
- Ben Blandford, Kentucky Transportation Center (KTC), College of Engineering, University of Kentucky
- Moki Blanding, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Dr. Richard Bonczek, Technical Project Manager & Risk Assessor, Portsmouth-Paducah Project Office, U.S. Department of Energy
- Christopher Bower, Staff, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Julie Bradaric, William Lettis & Associates, Inc.
- Stephanie Brock, Manager, Radiation and Environmental Monitoring Laboratory, Cabinet for Health Services, Commonwealth of Kentucky
- Phillip Brown, PGDP SME (retired), Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Paducah, Kentucky
- Josh Brown, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Drew D. Burford, Jr., Graduate Student, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
- Carol Butler, Editor, Butler Books
- Jeff Carmen, PGDP Groundwater Projects Manager, LATA KY
- Dr. Seth Carpenter, Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS), University of Kentucky
- Don Challman, Assistant Director, Center for Applied Energy Research, University of Kentucky
- Steve Christmas, Public Relations, Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership, Paducah Site
- Bryan Clayton, Hydrogeologist, Paducah Remediation Services & Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership (Paducah Site)
- Bridgett Click, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Maggie Clines, Graduate Research Assistant, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Dr. James Cobb, State Geologist and Director, Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky
- P.J. Cooper, Graduate Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Louisville
- Dr. Steve Cordiviola, Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS), University of Kentucky
- Mikaela Coston, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Czarena Crofcheck, Professor, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky
- David Cross, Undergraduate Student, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
- Mark Cross, Undergraduate Student, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
- Deana Crumbling, Technology Innovation and Field Services Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Andrew Cummins, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Dr. Sylvia Daunert, Professor, College of Medicine, University of Kentucky
- Marshall Davenport, Jacobs Engineering
- Ken Davis, Geologist/Hydrogeologist, Paducah Remediation Services & Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership (Paducah Site)
- Dr. James Dinger, Water Section Head, Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS), University of Kentucky
- Dave Dollins, Paducah Site Office, U.S. Department of Energy
- Teri Dowdy, Instructor, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky
- Meghan Doyle, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Andrea Drayer, Research Analyst, Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Kentucky
- Mitchell Dunaway, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Dr. Paul Dunbar, Assistant Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering, Paducah Campus, University of Kentucky
- Lauren Early, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Emily Eastridge, Graduate Student, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
- Edwin Ebrahimi, Project Manager, Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Louie El-Azzami, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Kentucky
- Lindsey Elza, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Andrew Evitts, Instructor, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Emily Fannin, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Anne Filson, Associate Professor, Architecture, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Leon Follmer, Illinois State Geological Survey, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Bruce Ford, Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC) Paducah & Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership (Paducah Site)
- JoAnna Foresman, Research Assistant, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, College of Engineering
- Dr. Alan Fryar, Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
- Matthew Gannon, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Chris Gilbert, Editor, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Rob Givler, Principal Geologist, William Lettis & Associates, Inc.
- Jayant Gotpagar, Graduate Student, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Kentucky
- Seth Gover, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Ross Graham, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Stephen Greb, Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS), University of Kentucky
- Alicia Gregory, Director, Research Communications, Public Relations and Strategic Communications, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Ted Grossardt, Director, Kentucky Transportation Center, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Eric Grulke, Professor, Associate Dean Research & Graduate Studies, and Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Kentucky
- Dr. D.J. Hagerty, Professor (Emeritus), Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Louisville
- Estifanos Haile, Graduate Student, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Richard S. Halbrook, Associate Professor (Emeritus), Zoology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
- Steve Hampson, Associate Director, Kentucky Research Consortium for Energy and Environment (KRCEE), Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER), University of Kentucky
- Jean Hartinger, Media Specialist, Center for Applied Energy Research, University of Kentucky
- Dean Harvey, Director, Von Allmen Center for Entrepreneurship, University of Kentucky
- Chris Hayse, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Leonard Heller, Director, Office of Commercialization, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Kevin Henke, Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER), University of Kentucky
- Linnea Heraty, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Mitch Hicks, Paducah Site Office, U.S. Department of Energy
- Dr. Anna Hoover, Communications Director, Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute (KWRRI), University of Kentucky
- Dr. Caibo Hu, Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS), University of Kentucky
- Shane Hughes, Miller Drilling
- Clay Johnson, Research Assistant, Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute (KWRRI), University of Kentucky
- Dr. Robert Johnson, Applied Environmental Science, Argonne National Library
- Kristen Johnson, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Drew Johnson, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Jennifer Jourdan, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Alauddin Khan, Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC), Knoxville, Tennessee
- Vanessa Kaiser, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Andy Kellie, Professor (Emeritus), Industrial and Engineering Technology, Murray State University
- Dr. Keith Kelson, Engineering Geologist, William Lettis & Associates, Inc.
- Dr. Michael Kemp, Professor, Industrial Engineering & Technology, Murray State University
- Sydney Kidd, Graduate Research Assistant, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Dr. John Kiefer, Assistant State Geologist, Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS), University of Kentucky
- James Kipp, Associate Director, Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute (KWRRI), University of Kentucky
- Joshua Kopp, Graduate Student, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Kentucky
- David Korns, Database Systems Manager, Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC), Columbus, Ohio
- Tim Kreher, Manager, West Kentucky Wildlife Management Area, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Al Laase, Hydrogeologist, A.D. Laase Hydrologic Consulting
- Christina Langston, Research Assistant, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
- Danita LaSage, Graduate Student, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Hope Lee, Environmental Microbiologist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy
- Jon Lee, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Rhonda Lee-Desautels, Assistant Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering, Paducah Campus, University of Kentucky,
- William Lettis, Principal, William Lettis & Associates, Inc.
- Scott Lewis, Doctoral Student, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Y. Li, Postdoctoral Researcher, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Srinivasa Lingireddy, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Scott Little, Chemist, Kentucky Division of Waste Management
- Adam Locke, Engineer/GIS Specialist, CDM Inc., Pittsburgh
- Dr. Bryan Looney, Senior Advisory Engineer, Savannah River Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy
- Andrew Lynch, Undergraduate Student, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Kentucky
- Mike Lynch, Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Burt Lynn, Professor (Emeritus), Chemistry, University of Kentucky
- Kenneth Macpherson, Graduate Student, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
- McKenzy Mangrum, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Tina Marshall, Science Teacher, Marshall County High School
- Jenna Martini, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Michael Matthews, Industrial Engineering and Technology, Murray State University
- Melvin McClure, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Tammy McIntosh, Project Manager, Center for Applied Energy Research, University of Kentucky
- Jonathan McIntyre, Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS), University of Kentucky
- Bruce Meadows, IT Specialist, Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership, Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
- Steve Meiners, Radiation Safety and Industrial Health and Safety, Tricord, Inc.
- Dave Melanson, Assistant Director for External Affairs & Development, Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER), University of Kentucky
- Dr. David Meyer, Postdoctoral Researcher, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Kentucky
- Heather Micallef, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Brad Mitzefeldt, Public Relations, Portsmouth Paducah Project Office, U.S. Department of Energy
- Beth Moore, Project Manager, Soil and Groundwater Remediation, Office of Environmental Management, U.S. Department of Energy
- Bobby Morris, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Carolyn Mosher, William Lettis & Associates, Inc.
- Abhijit Mukherjee, Graduate Student, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
- Todd Mullins, Division of Waste Management, Commonwealth of Kentucky
- Bill Murphie, Manager, Portsmouth Paducah Project Office, U.S. Department of Energy
- John Nelson, Illinois State Geological Survey, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Jill Newman, Research Analyst, Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Bobette Nourse, DOE-PPPO Support Contractor, Knoxville, Tennessee
- Joe O’Toole, Graduate Research Assistant, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Lindell Ormsbee, Director, Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute (KWRRI); Director, Kentucky Research Consortium for Energy and Environment (KRCEE); Professor, Civil Engineering, University of Kentucky
- Nathan Owings, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Jared Parish, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Carolyn Parrish, Graduate Research Assistant, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Matthew Phillip, Industrial Engineering and Technology, Murray State University
- Bruce Phillips, Sr. Environmental Scientist, Navarro Engineering
- Dr. R. Paul Philp, Professor, Geology and Geophysics, University of Oklahoma
- Tessa Pinkerton, Multimedia Specialist, Center for Applied Energy Research, University of Kentucky
- Araba Prah, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Kayce Prescott, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Dr. Steven J. Price, Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Kentucky,
- Bradley Prinze, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Beverly Quimby, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Walt Richards, Engineer, Paducah Remediation Services
- John Ripy, Kentucky Transportation Center, University of Kentucky
- Lenn Roberts, Kentucky Environmental Protection Cabinet
- John Robertson, Historian, Paducah, Kentucky
- Josh Robinson, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Gary Rohrbacher, Associate Professor, Architecture, University of Kentucky
- JR Roper, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Brooks Rosandich, Graduate Student, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
- Chad Rumsford, Video Services Director for Research Communications, Office of Research and Graduate Studies, University of Kentucky
- Michael Schenkenfelder, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Steven Schwab, Graduate Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Mitchael Schwartz, College of Communications and Information Studies, University of Kentucky
- Eric Scott, Radiation and Environmental Monitoring Laboratory, Cabinet for Health Services, Commonwealth of Kentucky
- Rob Seifert, Paducah Site Office, Department of Energy
- Joshua Sexton, Graduate Student, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky; Geologist, Marshall Miller and Associates & J.L. Sexton and Son
- Donald Shaw, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Dr. Baoping Shi, Postdoctoral Researcher, Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky
- Eric Shockey, Graduate Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Dr. David Silverstein, Assistant Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering, Paducah Campus, University of Kentucky
- Alan Simpson, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Dr. Jim Smart, Associate Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering, Paducah Campus, University of Kentucky
- Robert “Buz” Smith, Public Relations, Paducah Site Office, Department of Energy
- Dr. Michael Speaks, Dean, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Eddie Spraggs, Public Relations, Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership
- Dr. Chuck Staben, Vice President, Research and Graduate Studies, University of Kentucky
- Taylor Steele, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Ron Street, Associate Professor (Emeritus), Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Neil Sturchio, Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois Chicago
- Sean Sunderman, Geologist, William Lettis & Associates, Inc.
- Dan Tanner, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Dr. Darrell Taulbee, Scientist, Center for Applied Energy Research, University of Kentucky
- Emyelise Taylor, Graduate Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Tracy Taylor, Engineer, ETAS Paducah Site Contractor
- Y. Tee, Doctoral Student, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Kentucky
- Crys Terrell, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Ganesh Nath Tripathi, Graduate Student, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Martitia Tuttle, Geologist/Paleo-seismologist, M. Tuttle and Associates
- J.N. Uhl, Graduate Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Louisville
- Dr. Roy Van Arsdale, Professor, Earth Sciences, University of Memphis
- Katherine Vanhoose, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Kellin Vellenoweth, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Chandramouli Viswanathan, Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute (KWRRI), University of Kentucky
- Dr. John Volpe, Kentucky Research Consortium for Energy and Environment, Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute, University of Kentucky
- Carrie Wahl, Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Zhenming Wang, Geological Hazards Section Head, Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS), University of Kentucky
- Dr. Richard Warner, Professor (Emeritus), Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky
- Dr. J.C. Watters, Professor, Chemical Engineering, University of Louisville
- Chris Westfall, Graduate Student, College of Design, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Howard Whiteman, Professor, Biological Sciences, Murray State University
- David Williams, RPM, Region 4 United States Environmental Protection Agency
- Dr. John Wilson, Principal Scientist, R.S. Kerr Environmental Research Center (Ada), United States Environmental Protection Agency
- Dr. Edward Winner, Kentucky Division of Waste Management
- Jennifer Woodard, PGDP Site Manager, United States Department of Energy
- Wil Woods, Student, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Dr. Edward Woolery, Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
- Dr. J. Xu, Postdoctoral Researcher, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Kentucky
- Fiona Young-Brown, Author
- Dr. Tony Zhai, Assistant Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Kentucky
- Dr. Junfeng Zhu, Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS), University of Kentucky