

Ecological Sciences

  1. Ecological Science 1
  2. Ecological Science 2
  3. Ecological Science +

IT Support for PGDP
Restoration and Reuse

IT Support for PGDP Environmental Restoration and Re-use

  1. Data Access, Assessment and Visualization
  2. Support of Paducah DWGIS
  3. KRCEE Website Development, Deployment, and Maintenance
  4. Development of the PGDP Virtual Museum

Geosciences –
Geology and Hydrogeology

Geosciences -Geology & Hydrogeology I

  1. Geosciences Background
  2. Lithostratigraphy 1 –Stratigraphic Model Development
  3. Lithostratigraphic Database Project

Geosciences -Geology & Hydrogeology II

  1. Groundwater Modeling 1
  2. Groundwater Modeling -Alternative Model Development
  3. Groundwater Modeling –Property Acquisition Study (Land Study)

Geosciences -Geology & Hydrogeology III

  1. Groundwater Modeling –Property Acquisition Study Update
  2. Groundwater Modeling –Independent PGDP GW Model Reviews
  3. Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction (LBC Seeps Studies)
  4. Groundwater Modeling –PGDP GW Interim Transport Model Evaluation

Geosciences -Geology & Hydrogeology IV

  1. TCE Fate and Transport (TCEFT) Project Overview
  2. TCEFT Natural Attenuation Review
  3. TCEFT Attenuation Scenario Selection Evaluation
  4. TCEFT Phase I, II, & III –Biodegradation
  5. TCEFT Phase IV Abiotic Degradation and Site Workplan for DegradationMechanisms
  6. PGDP Groundwater Remediation Technology Evaluation
  7. PGDP Groundwater Accomplishments Display Boards

GeoSciences – Soil & Sediment
Characterization & Remediation

Geosciences –Soil and Sediment Characterization and Remediation I

  1. “Real-Time” Soil Characterization and Remediation Demonstration

Geosciences –Soil and Sediment Characterization and Remediation II

  1. Design of Cost-Effective, ‘Real-Time’ Implementable, Sediment and Contaminant Release Controls
  2. Surface Water Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Development

Geosciences –
Geophysics, Seismology and Engineering

Geosciences –Geophysics, Seismology and Engineering I

  1. Geophysics Background
  2. Geophysical Methods Application to Support Site Activities

Geosciences –Geophysics, Seismology and Engineering II

  1. Holocene Displacement Project

Geosciences –Geophysics, Seismology and Engineering III

  1. Seismic Sciences Background and Issues
  2. Kentucky Strong Motion Seismic Monitoring Network

Geosciences –Geophysics, Seismology and Engineering IV

  1. Central United States Seismic Observatory (CUSSO)

Geosciences –Geophysics, Seismology and Engineering V

  1. Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment
  2. Seismic Update Reports

Chemical and
Materials Engineering

Chemical & Materials Engineering I

  1. Nano-Structured Particles for In-Situ TCE Destruction
  2. TCE Bioaccumulation by Microalgae

Chemical & Materials Engineering II

  1. Disposition of Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Nickel
  2. Nickel Release Support
  3. Uranium Re-use Battery Development and Testing
  4. Separation of Radionuclides from PGDP Nickel







KRCEE is a collaborative effort of Kentucky universities and is administered by the University of Kentucky.