Ecological Science

Did releases from historical industrial operations impact local ecosystems, flora and fauna in the vicinity of the PGDP? What has been studied? What hasn’t been studied? Has ecological monitoring been conducted on the appropriate terrestrial and aquatic populations in the watersheds and related habitats of the PGDP industrial site, reservation, and West Kentucky Wildlife Management Area? What species might be monitored as indicators of ecological health and impacts for specific trophic groups within the vicinity of the PGDP impacts?


KRCEE’s initial PGDP ecological science project was implemented to compile ecological studies, data, and reports into an accessible repository.

Once historical studies were compiled, a team of subject matter experts reviewed the status of PGDP ecological studies to develop recommendations for future ecological monitoring.

The development of trophic web/contaminant transfer models and trophic position models for species found in the habitats surrounding PGDP was a key component of project work.

A summary of published ecological studies, trophic web and trophic position models along with future monitoring recommendations are provided in the project report.

Project Team

Dr. Richard S. Halbrook, Emeritus, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Dr. Howard Whiteman, Murray State University, Biological Sciences
Dr. Steve Alexander, U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife, Cookeville, TN
Lenn Roberts, KY Environmental Protection Cabinet
Dr. John Volpe, KRCEE
Steve Hampson, KRCEE

Food Web/Contaminant Transfer Model


A field study of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in PGDP & vicinity raccoon populations was completed.

The follow-on study was based on indicator species monitoring recommendations in the report: “Ecological Monitoring at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant: Historical Evaluation and Guidelines for Future Monitoring” (above Ecological Projects 1).

The study was accompanied by two summary evaluations: 1) A compilation of PCB distribution (maps) in soil, sediment, surface water and groundwater; and 2) A Summary of University of Kentucky PCB/Metals Data Collection Efforts at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant,1997-2007.

The report “Summary of University of Kentucky PCB/Metals Data Collection Efforts at PGDP” provides an overview of extensive soil, surface water and sediment monitoring efforts conducted by Dr. Wes Birge and D.J. Price of the UK Department of Biological Sciences under the auspices of the Kentucky Agreement in Principle Program and Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection.

Project Team

Dr. Richard Halbrook PI, Emeritus, Southern Illinois University
Dr. Lindell Ormsbee, KRCEE
Steve Hampson, KRCEE

Racoon sampling locations in the vicinity of the PGDP (colored bars)


University of Kentucky and West Kentucky Wildlife Management Area (WKWMA) researchers are actively conducting amphibian habitat, distribution, and population abundance studies in natural and artificial wetlands that occupy watersheds surrounding the PGDP.

An initial characterization of PGDP & vicinity wetland habitats relative to amphibians was completed in 2015 (Price and Kreher, 2015).

As part of ongoing field research, University and WKWMA ecologists mentor Marshall County (Kentucky) high school students during ‘hands-on’ data collection field trips to the WKWMA. Data collected during the annual field trips is incorporated into published, peer-reviewed species distribution and diversity journal articles published by the UK College of Agriculture –Department of Forestry and Natural Resources. Two recent articles based upon data collected in the vicinity of the PGDP and WKWMA were published in peer-reviewed journals: (Drayer, A.N., & Davis, A.G.,

Project Team

Dr. Steve Price, Professor, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky
Andrea Drayer, Research Analyst, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky
Jill Newman, Research Analyst, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky
Tim Kreher, Manager, West Kentucky Wildlife Management Area
Tina Marshall, Environmental Science Instructor, Marshall County High School
Steve Hampson, KRCEE

Tracts evaluated for the evaluation of amphibian wetlands







KRCEE is a collaborative effort of Kentucky universities and is administered by the University of Kentucky.